2/28/10–Creepy, yet Cool

We had our church small group gathering at our friends P & C’s house this evening.  They have a cool tree in their front yard, and when we said something about it being a great climbing tree, C promptly took me to the back yard to see the tree back there.  This tree is straight out of a horror film, but it’s so cool at the same time.  My first thought was of the tree in Poltergeist, and hoping it wasn’t going to eat Robbie.  It’s just a cool tree.  And I’m jealous because with the exception of my cherry tree (see post from 2/8 “Tree in Winter”), we have ugly trees in our yard.

2 responses to this post.

  1. Ok, so I never thought my tree was creepy until you mentioned it last night. Thanks. Great shot though!


  2. Hey, it’s the least I can do. Thanks!


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